Thursday, July 7, 2011

How to Assess Management Courses

In order to get your current job you probably underwent vocational study, so isn't it obvious to do a management course in order to get a job as a manager, supervisor or team leader?

There are primarily two types of courses offered in most countries:

1. Short Courses

These tend to be one or two day courses on general management fundamentals or specific management attributes such as: performance management, managing change, leadership, strategy and communication to name a few. They range in price from $500 up to $2,000+ per short course.

2. Qualifications

Qualifications include certificates, diplomas and degrees. The cost can range from $1000-$50,000+.

The advantage of a qualification is that you are accredited. Short courses can provide certificates upon completion but most qualifications require extended study periods. Consider the following examples:

** Certificate in Frontline Management may require 1+ year(s) of study.

** Diploma of Business Management may also take over a year to complete.

** A Bachelor of Applied Social Science (Management) would be 3 years full-time or 5+ years part-time.

** Masters of Business Administration - this is a full fledged postgraduate degree most ambitious managers strive for. Courses cost upwards of $40,000 a year and take over three years to complete. In most cases the institution offering the course has a prerequisite of an undergraduate degree and management experience.

Here are 5 questions to ask yourself when considering a management course:

1. What type of skills or experience do you want to obtain and does this course fulfill that need?

2. Is the course convenient to take? Is it in a nearby location? How is the course structured (eg on campus and / or distance learning; assessments and exams).

3. Will this course fit in with my workload and lifestyle? Sometimes you may only have time for short courses or would be able to undertake a qualification if you could study from home. You will also want to know how much work is required.

4. Is this a recognized or established course? Determine if the course is accredited by a management association, university or college.

5. What support will I receive? Will there be lecturers, tutors or student support to assist me?

For those wanting to become a manager, the above options may not be viable. Firstly, they may have to pay for the courses themselves as companies are often reluctant to fund education if the person isn't already in a management position. Secondly, they may not have the time to commit to study when they're at the stage of trying to get their first team leader, manager or supervisor role. If that's the case, there are other inexpensive and time efficient resources that ambitious employees can access to help them move from having a 'job' to a 'career'. They can then leave the management study until they've advanced in their career.

Madisen Harper is a career expert who provides a proven system to help people take their first jump into a management, team leader or supervisor role.
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Management Courses - What Should You Expect?

Continuing our series of articles about essential courses in Egypt, we will talk today about management courses in Egypt. Management is the make it or break it factor in any project or business, to neglect it means certain failure to any activity.

How will a management course in Egypt make a difference?

Taking a course will make you a better businessman and a better person overall. Management is the most important factor in any human endeavor, and increasing your management skills should be a high on your priorities list.

Things you should expect from a management course in Egypt:
Before joining a course you should check the material and make sure it includes most of the following points:

· A management course has to offer material on leadership skills and ways to inspire employees. This is a must, a manager succeeds because people follow his or her lead, and having weak leadership skills is sure way to ruin any management efforts on your part.

· The course should also offer amble material on strategic planning. No matter how good you are doing in the short term, having no overall strategy for your business can only mean bad news later. Strategic thought is an art that takes a lot of time to master, but a good management course in Egypt should provide material and pointers on the subject to start you off on your way.

· A management course in Egypt must school you in the arts of time and priority management. Time is the most important and precious resource of them all, so the skill to manage time is of colossal importance to any businessman. And since time is always limited, having the skill to prioritize your objectives is a must. A good management course in Egypt will really help you in this area.

· The course must stress on the importance of stress management. Stress can have really negative effect on your employees and their work, if you do not know how to manage it, you will lose a lot.

· The course must finally address the different ways by which you can motivate your employees. Moral is a powerful force, it cannot double the efficiency and effectiveness of employees and help keep them loyal to your business. A management course will more than make up for its costs if it improves your skills in this particular point.
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Management Course Training For Your Future Career

In order to work successfully as a manager or a leader in a company, management course training is essential. Since most businesses tend to promote within the company, having some training beforehand helps prepare for the new responsibilities that come with leadership. It gives you a chance to prepare yourself for all the challenges that you will have to face being a leader.

If you already work for a company, they may provide their own management training with workshops and seminars or send you to conferences. Your company may employ a professional trainer who comes to the workplace and offers sessions on different management subjects. If you are looking to apply as a manager somewhere, taking a course or a workshop on your own would give you a valuable advantage over others. This can even be done online today.

Courses prepare you for the many challenges that are involved in management such as supervising others and managing projects. It should also include guidance on effective communication and ways to motivate your employees. You should learn how to build up a team and set goals for them as well as managing yours and their time.

Problem solving is very important in management and learning how to do that is necessary. With training you'll learn to collaborate with others and delegate jobs. You'll also learn ways to handle complaints that come up and even how to mentor and encourage your workers to keep them motivated into doing a good job.

Being a manager today means that you are faced with various situations and you need to have quick thinking and quick reactions to deal with whatever pops up. Confidence is important for that, without confidence your orders or commands cannot be carried out as you like as the respect isn't there. A course can help you feel confident about your decisions and allow others to recognize that confidence.

There are many programs out there that will specialize in certain areas that you may need help with. Such as time management, taking a course in that can help you utilize your time more efficiently. Maybe you need help in being able to manage your own goals within the company or your career; courses are available for that also to teach you how set the right goals and how to go about getting them.

Within every company there are always certain areas that managers need refresher courses on to give them new skills or update the skills they already have. These can include updating interviewing skills and giving out performance evaluations. As well as learning new strategies and keeping up to date with employment laws and company guidelines when it comes to employees.

Whether you are new to management or just need a refresher course, a management course is a valuable way to learn and improve your managing style. Every manager should take a refresher course every few years to keep up to date with the changing business world. Taking advantage of programs offered through your company or in workshops can give you an added advantage over others and help make you a successful leader.
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Time Management Courses

When you want to learn more about how to get your time management under control, time management courses are the way to go. Did you know that you can take short and simple courses that will put you on the right track to doing more with each and every day you are given?

Imagine being able to go to bed at night feeling accomplished and sleep well knowing that you've completed what you were supposed to that day. This is what healthy time management can do for you and if you've been having trouble with it, this is a great time to consider a training course.

Wouldn't you want to take the steps needed to learn to better manage your time and improve your personal productivity?

Time management training comes in different forms. For example, you may attend a workshop to show you some new techniques or activities to try. Sometimes your place of business may send you to courses of some type.

Many new time management courses also include time management videos. These videos give you a direct visual of the policies and practices they are trying to teach you in the class. Many people work better when they can see things right in front of them like that.

Many videos used in training courses are meant to help you understand how to apply the practices or activities for time management. So many people find that they can learn better with visuals like a video instead of just reading in a book or workbook.

Many courses are now being offered online and you can take them in the comfort of your own home at your own schedule.

This is an important consideration for anyone whether you work for a big business, work for your own business, work as a homemaker or more. There are so many things the average person has to juggle in their daily lives that literally anyone can benefit from this type of course.

If you feel like the things in your life control you instead of you controlling your time, then you may be one of many people who can benefit from attending a course.

Learn to take back the time that is yours and not let it control you. Learn to be more productive when the time you do have each day and how you can make more time for the things you want to do by successfully completing the things you need to do and getting rid of the things you don't have to do.
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